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Biblical Fiction

Biblical Fiction Books

Biblical fiction opens up the world of the old and new testaments in a unique and powerful way. Stories that are matter-of-factly related in a few verses of scripture are here expanded into gripping tales of suspense and conflict. These narratives draw the reader into the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of biblical culture and vividly bring to life its characters.

Ordinary Women of the Bible

The Bible makes reference to many women and the significant role they played in the events of scripture. The scriptures, however, tell us very little about these women. Each book in the “Ordinary Women of the Bible” biblical fiction series takes one of these little-known biblical figures and elaborates on her story. The authors skillfully blend historical fact, authentic detail, and imaginative storytelling to create a number of compelling page-turners- each completely unique from the last!

The first book in the series, A Mother’s Sacrifice, opens with a Hebrew wife, Jochebad going into labor with her third child. Moments before the baby is delivered, she receives the shocking news that the midwives have been ordered by Pharaoh to kill all Hebrew newborn boys. In the pages that follow, author Carole Towriss describes the extraordinary lengths that Jochebad goes to in order to save the life of her son, who will one day lead his people out of slavery in Egypt.

The 24 books in the “Ordinary Women of the Bible” biblical fiction series breathe life into familiar biblical characters like David’s wife, Abigail, and Moses’s elder sister, Miriam. But they also shed light on the lives of lesser-known characters, some of whom aren’t even named in scripture – the Samaritan woman, weighed down with shame, who Jesus met at the well and the desperate woman who reached out to touch the hem of His robe in faith that she’d be healed after 12 years of bleeding.

The heroes of these biblical fiction books are ordinary women who changed the course of history. Their remarkable stories will inspire readers to explore their own spiritual journey and discover their part in God’s plan. Be sure to explore the entire collection of biblical fiction today!

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